Thursday, June 11, 2015

Church Planting in Pasadena, CA Part 2 - Specific Prayer Requests

This is the updated Prayer Request for the Church Plant into Pasadena CA.

Please see the previous post on the church plant for the full story ...

Please pray for us!

PEACE: It's been an incredibly intense and quick transition, which has opened us to spiritual and physical battles of anxiety, stress, and the awareness of the potentially lonely season we are heading for as we begin. Pray for angelic protection and peace, that all the practical elements would come together and that we'd be able to give attention to the spiritual elements the Lord wants us to be meditating on. Pray over our minds- that they'd be full of the realities and possibilities of heaven!
MARRIAGE: Pray for our marriage to be strengthened rather than weakened through this adventure- that the things that seem to come against us would fuel our pursuit to draw closer to each other in the presence of our King!
RELATIONSHIPS: Pray for quick and divine relationships to form when we arrive! That the season of being "on our own" would be short (and non-existent spiritually;), and that Pasadena would be soft terrain for us as we arrive and quickly connect with people. We are even praying that there'd be people who have been praying for us to come, and that SALVATIONS happen early and often and are a natural way that our family grows!
KIDS: Pray that our kids (Finn-5; Judah-3.5; Eloise-1) would not be adversely affected in any way and that the entire process would be an adventure where they can grasp the kingdom purposes that are driving this endeavor and actually CONTRIBUTE to the call of God on our family in this. Thus far they have seemed great, but we are leaving an incredible community at CITC and it may be something that gradually effects them as they realize they won't be seeing those friends again...
NCMI PARTNERSHIP: Having a team like NCMI to support and build into a local church plant is a huge blessing! Pray for close relationships to form with those the Lord wants to build into our plant!
RELATIONSHIPS AT USCWM: Pray for the relationships we are looking to make on the campus of the US Center for World Missions. We are trusting that many that are there working in full-time ministry in various areas will be able to lock-arms with us and we can serve them in many ways. Along this line, we are trusting that we can even have full access to the facilities to be able to host various meetings, events, offices, etc.
FINANCES: We're working closely in partnership with the CITC elders on issues related to finances while trusting God to provide. We have the advantage of keeping Christian's full-time job, so are trusting for provision for the cost of living difference in Pasadena, moving costs in order to relocate, and natural planting expenses as we get things off the ground.

Love to you all,

C & S

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