Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lost People Matter to God

Tony and Susanne Sivewright planted Fourways Community Church in the fast growing vibrant city of Fourways, Johannesburg in 2000. They serve on the NCMI apostolic team and work mainly into Africa and Europe. They have a passion to see the lost come to Christ and have seen many saved and prodigals return.

Church planting! Well, after 10 years I still don't have a clue! The fact that He has used me/us to co-labor with Him is to this day very sobering and overwhelming.

What we did have when we planted Fourways Community Church just over 10 years ago here in Johannesburg, South Africa was 1.) A love for God, and 2.) A love for people.

We have loved the journey as we've seen heaps and heaps of people come to know Jesus. Nothing excites me as much as this. Transformed lives are the 'signs and wonders' we at Fourways have made a priority to pursue.

I once heard Bill Hybels say 'Lost people matter to God therefore they should matter to us.'
This was before we planted and has been embedded in our hearts and has gripped us ever since.

I don't know if there's anything more important - 'Jesus came to seek and save the lost' and when He returned to the Father He left the mandate with us. One of my favorite Scriptures is John 17:18 "As You sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world."

I know that Jesus didn't command us to go and make converts but rather to make disciples. However let me remind us that a true disciple begins at conversion. We need converts to make into disciples/Jesus followers.

I also believe a healthy church needs to be led by the Holy Spirit, and needs to have good theology, vibrant small groups, Spirit filled worship etc.

I also believe that no one comes to Jesus unless the Father who sent Jesus draws him. (John 6:44) The exciting and mysterious thing is that He uses us in the process. WE are called to preach the good news that Jesus came as our substitute to take the punishment our sins deserved and make a way for us to be reconciled back to the Father.

Of course in all we do we're totally dependent and reliant on the working and presence of the Holy Spirit, however I do think there is 'stuff' we can do to position ourselves and our churches to better reach those that are far from God.

Hopefully in my next post we can look at a few of these.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Church Planting Part 4 - Ian Mckellar

Ian & Nola McKellar relocated from South Africa to Asia in 2002.
They went to help build up local churches that relate to the NCMI team.
In 2009 they started leading Church of Joy in Singapore. They have a passion to see God's Word and God's Spirit build the beloved community and bless the city.

Remember the Christian life is a journey. Don’t expect to run before you can walk. Don’t demand from new believers, or a new community still coming together trying to shape a common culture of vision and values, what you would expect from those who have travelled with you a long way. It’s always a challenge planting out of a successful church into an environment where the culture has not yet taken shape. People just don’t see what is obvious to you.
Be patient; remember to meet them where they are, and to take them on the journey of following Jesus.
 Be careful of success. R.T. Kendall says that the best advice Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave him was to warn him about success: “The worst thing that can happen to a man is to have success before he is ready.” Success is good, we must kill the lion and the bear, but never forget God’s gracious help, and our utter dependence on him at all times. The church is a supernatural community and the Lord needs to build the house. It is a great privilege to be a co-laborer with him.
Moses and God told Joshua to “be strong and courageous”. That’s good advice for a church planter.
God said that Joshua should meditate on the Word day and night, and be careful to do everything written in it. That’s also good advice for a church planter. Learn from others, learn from tradition and what has been done before, but nothing can replace you walking close to God and learning from him as you go on this exciting journey to change the world.
The church planter must understand that the new church will be built and shaped largely around his gifts and talents. And those of his spouse and team if he has a team starting with him. Therefore it will be quite different from any other church. Don’t try to clone yourself from others. Allow God to work through the gifts he has given to you. One way is not necessarily right and another way wrong. There are many ways to building a Christ-centered church. Remember also that you will attract many people very different to yourself. Be gracious, be accepting. There are many different ways to worship God. “Accept one another then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:7.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Church Planting Part 3 - Ian Mckellar

Advice To Get You Going 

Ian & Nola McKellar relocated from South Africa to Asia in 2002.
They went to help build up local churches that relate to the NCMI team.
In 2009 they started leading Church of Joy in Singapore. They have a passion to see God's Word and God's Spirit build the beloved community and bless the city.

My advice to church planters is to preach a series. Preach through a book of the Bible; Matthew or Mark are wonderful as you start. They give you a solid foundation of Christ being central. They give insight into the ways of Jesus, which are definitely so very different to the ways of man. They also help us understand the Trinity and the life of the Spirit.

In all that you preach, remember to preach the gospel. Preach the good news of the cross, and the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus. When you continually preach the gospel your people will not fall into the trap of salvation by good works, or into legalism. Unbelievers will be saved. AND your people will be equipped to preach the gospel to others. The best evangelism training you can do is to always preach the gospel every Sunday. This will equip your people and give them a love for passing on the good news. Equipping the saints for the work of the ministry is one of the major keys to building the church.

Ephesians, or Philippians are also good. They are not too long. Which is good, because as you go you will find God speaking and leading this new church, and you will want to adjust your preaching accordingly. Ephesians gives a very rich understanding of what the church should be; that’s a good way to start. And Philippians is a joyous celebration in the midst of great hardship and opposition. Much needed when you are planting.

Or preach through Romans 15 and Acts 19. Romans 15 lays out Paul’s strategy for church planting. Giving a lot of attention to attitude and the Holy Spirit’s help.
Paul is dealing with relational issues so that Rome can become a base to reach Spain.

Acts 19 is a wonderful account of Paul’s base in Ephesus. It strategically lays out his priorities in building up a new church which will become a base to reach into Europe.

A church planter once told me that planters make their own pressure. He said that the people starting with us do not feel that same pressure; in fact they love the intimacy and the excitement of a new beginning. He told me that he was one of the foundational members of what is now a very large church. When this church was just starting he loved it. He was close to the pastor. And the spiritual life of himself and his family was changing every week. He was not impatient or frustrated about growth in numbers of the church. In fact he liked it like it was!
Try not to become impatient or frustrated. Building up the first core community of believers is vital to later growth. As new people come in they take the example of those already there. So there is great value in building well and not rushing over issues of the heart.

That united core of disciples will become the joyful and peace-filled community who are so filled with hope from God’s word as they faithfully follow Christ Jesus, that they will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit so that all may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (See Romans 15:4-6 & 13). What an exciting adventure, what a privilege! What a King!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Always Faithful God

James & Leigh planted LifeHouse Church in Mississauga, Ontario Canada.  James is from Canada and Leigh originally from South Africa.  LifeHouse started as a Sunday brunch for unsaved teenagers and has now grown into a vibrant church community of people of all ages from infants to seniors.  They desire to see an entire church community that is living in all that God has for them, and making Him known to the world around them.

As a church planter I find that one of my greatest temptations is to trust in my own strength and abilities instead of God’s promises and process.   Psalm 127:1 rings true “Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”  As a church planter I must always remember that it is God who has called us to our task and that it’s God’s church.  Using my own strength, abilities, good ideas, and talents outside of God’s timing and leading can actually bring more trouble than it’s worth.  It can cause me personally, or the church corporately, to miss out on what God wants to bring about.

Abraham became impatient regarding the fulfilling of God’s promise and Ishmael was born – and the consequences are still evident today.  Our churches are meant to be born out of God’s promise – not man’s effort.  It’s a continual process of submission and re-submission to God.
Practically this means a whole lot more prayer and listening to God’s voice and a lot less of my good ideas.  As church planters we need to know God’s voice, hear God’s voice, and be comfortable with the answers God gives us.  If we are to lead our churches into all the promises that God has, it must be out of a place of intimacy and submission to God’s ways.
I personally don’t get this right all the time, and I thank God for His mercy and grace for me that He lovingly guides me back on track when some of my “great ideas” don’t work out as well as I thought.  Scripture assures us that He’s committed to the success of the church – when He’s allowed to lead it.  As church planters we carry the multiple responsibilities of leading our lives, our families and our churches in a manner that allows God to be the one in control.  

I can think of recent events where a lack of faith and discernment caused me to make decisions that were out of step with what God wanted.  While He allowed me to make the decisions, he also allowed me to see the fruit (in this case - a lack of fruit) that came from them.  The decision caused me to miss out on something that God had for me personally and as a result my church will also miss out corporately on what could have been released.  That said I’m personally thankful for the gracious and loving God that we serve who is committed to guiding us and showing us how to follow Him.  I come out of the experience that much more committed to standing in faith and with a greater conviction of God’s call and I trust God to lead us into all that He has for us. 

As a planter I am continually reminded that it’s by God’s grace that I lead His church – and that when I keep this in perspective I am continually amazed by all that God does.  I believe that each church is unique and thus each planter’s experience will be unique.  However despite each unique circumstance we will find ourselves and our churches in, we are all equally dependant on God – regardless of what stage of church leadership we find ourselves.  
While some trust in chariots, and some in horses (or the latest marketing program, church planting technique, big giver, or newest book) if we trust in the Name of the Lord and allow Him to lead and guide us, then we will always find Him faithful.    

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Church Planting Part 2 - Ian Mckellar

"Ian & Nola McKellar relocated from South Africa to Asia in 2002.
They went to help build up local churches that relate to the NCMI team.
In 2009 they started leading Church of Joy in Singapore. They have a passion to see God's Word and God's Spirit build the beloved community and bless the city."


The planter needs to sort out his own motives for ministry. God will be doing some sifting and sorting in the leader’s heart at this time. Larry Crabb says, “We are all defensive, proud and threatened people.”   In other words our natural reaction to trouble is fight, or flight, or control. We need to recognize where we are fighting back because we are defensive. We need to recognize where we are manipulating and controlling to get what we want, and are not motivating for God’s glory because we are proud. And we need to recognize where we are running from the challenge to be strong and courageous because we are threatened.
If we can learn to understand our own inner motivation and not be blinded by being defensive, proud and threatened, it will be far easier for others to trust and follow us. Jesus said we could come to him and find rest and learn from him, because he was not defensive, proud and threatened, but was “gentle and humble in heart.” Matthew 11:29.
People can learn from those who are humble. It is difficult to follow a proud man, no matter how anointed he is. Gentle, or meek, does not mean weak; it is actually the fruit of power. W.E. Vine says the Greek word is “the opposite to self-assertiveness and self-interest;… is neither elated or cast down, simply because it is not occupied with self at all….It is an inwrought grace of the soul; and the exercises of it are first and chiefly towards God.”
When grace is extended it costs the giver dearly and if truly received, it changes the recipient to become more gracious. This is the kind of community God wants to build.
Paul tells how God extended grace to him in calling him and empowering him, and how this grace “was not without effect.” (1 Cor 15:10). Grace is designed to impact and change the heart.
Remember the account of the servant who was shown mercy and forgiven much in Matthew 18. Has was then not merciful, or gracious, to the servant who owed him a little. When the master heard what happened he threw the first servant- the one shown mercy- into prison.
He calls him a wicked servant and he says, “Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” (Matt 18:33).
Grace is costly to the giver, free to the recipient, but it is designed to change the recipient’s heart and inspire him to be “eager to do what is good” (Titus 2:14).
Grace teaches us. We are changed supernaturally with the help of the Spirit of Grace (Heb 10:29), whom we unfortunately can “insult”, “miss” (Heb 12:15), or “forfeit” (Jonah 2:8).
When we come boldly to the throne of grace we receive mercy (Heb 4:16), and that mercy is designed to impact our hearts and change us. It helps us to become gracious to others; we want them to experience something of the comfort and beauty that we have experienced. Then when we are under pressure to act in a defensive, proud or threatened way we can “find grace to help us in our time of need” (Heb 4:16). There is a supernatural enabling that helps us when we are weak; God’s riches at Christ’s expense, unmerited favor, supernatural help to the one who does not forfeit grace but surrenders to the Holy Spirit’s enabling partnership.
Grace does not put you in debt to the one who was merciful, or gracious, to you. It changes you so that you become like the one who was gracious, and you act in a gracious way to others who do not deserve your favor, mercy, forgiveness or generosity.
Amazing grace !
Church planting should be aiming to build a community of grace. Remember Acts 11 when Barnabus was sent to the new church plant in Antioch?
“When he arrived he saw evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts” (Acts 11:23).

Friday, April 8, 2011

Redemption City Church: One Year On

Russ and Mary Doty relocated from Australia to be the advance team in the Church Plant that has become Redemption City Church. They serve on the eldership of that church as well as the NCMI Translocal Team

Redemption City Church was launched the first week of April 2010, so we just celebrated our first birthday.  We stand amazed at what God has done in this first year.  When Jesus said, “I will build my church…” He really meant it.  We felt God spoke to us long before we started,  that “…out of nothing I will build my church”.  He is doing just that and we want to give Him praise and glory. 
            We are located in about the 3rd most unreached area of the U.S.  So from the beginning we want to boldly preach the gospel and see people saved.  In this first year we have seen 22 decisions for Jesus.  We rejoice with the angels, that people are coming into relationship with the King of the Universe.  In addition Jesus is adding wonderful people who have a passion for the King and His Kingdom.  In this foundational year, Tyrone has really stressed that we exist for Jesus and His Kingdom, not for us or our name. We are not trying to build the name of Redemption City Church, or establish a brand, but to partner with the Lord in extending His Kingdom.   Jesus spoke to Tyrone and Nicole about moving to Denver, “Do you want to be apart of what I am doing in Denver?”  He is up to something and we are enjoying being a part of what He is doing.
            We have seen a wonderful team added to us and raised up from those who have come to join us in this adventure.  We had the privilege in early Feb. 2011 to release two additional elders/pastors and their wives to our leadership team, along with seven deacons.  What a blessing as we share the load together.
            We have also seen numerous healings,  both physically, relationally and emotionally.  One man was healed of a 54 degree spinal curvature in his back.  People have seen the favor of God in getting jobs, promotions, and increases at work.
            God also released a great facility for us to use.  We meet on Sunday mornings in the Madcap Comedy Theatre here in Westminster.  The owner is a fellow believer, so it’s a blessing to him and to us.  In October we hired an office across the street from the theatre,  that we use for prayer, children’s ministry and other functions. 
            While planting we have also had the privilege of continuing trans-local ministry.  Tyrone Daniel, Russ Doty, Terry Kreuger and Mike Hanchett are all part of the New Covenant Ministries International team, and even in the first year of planting we have continued trans-local ministry to dozens of churches, in 8 nations.  One of the highlights being the 15 year celebration and outreach recently in Mexico, with over 200 salvations.  In addition, we have hosted trans-local training,  church planting training, city celebrations, and we will host the North American Equip in July of 2011.
            We are all intensely aware that we don’t work for the Lord, we work in partnership with Him.  Then we stand amazed and grateful for what He is doing and the incredible privilege of getting to be a part of it with Him. 
            As we approach our second year we have vision for people to get saved on a daily basis.  We want to see meetings started that will reach university students with the gospel.  We want to see more leaders released, marriages strengthened, and people discipled.  We feel the Lord is saying this is a year of testimony and acceleration.  WOW.  Both only possible as He builds His church for His fame

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Church Planting Part 1 - Ian Mckellar

Ian & Nola McKellar relocated from South Africa to Asia in 2002.
They went to help build up local churches that relate to the NCMI team.
In 2009 they started leading Church of Joy in Singapore. They have a passion to see God's Word and God's Spirit build the beloved community and bless the city.


“The LORD your God will drive out those nations before you little by little. You will not be able to eliminate them all at once, or the wild animals will multiply around you.” Deuteronomy 7:22.
One of the most profound statements I heard regarding church planting was told to me by a church planter who had recently planted. He said, “They told me it would take time, that God’s way is ‘little by little’. But when they said ‘little by little’ I did not realize just how little ‘little by little’ was!”
Church planting takes perseverance and patience. Starting anything is hard work. But church planting can be exceptionally difficult. This is because we are required to die to self in order for God’s grace to enable us. Now this is true for the Christian life, but it seems to be exaggerated when we plant a church.

Romans 5:1-5 tells us that perseverance produces character, and character produces hope.
It seems that God is always working on the character of the planter, as well as the difficult task of creating a godly community out of fresh air.
“We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised” Hebrews 6:12.
Don’t be lazy, church planting is hard work. But church planting is also an act of faith; of putting your trust in God for his fruitfulness. Therefore before you plant it is good to have a testimony of faith. David had killed the lion and the bear before he faced Goliath. Before you go out and tackle the Goliath of church planting you should have killed the lion and the bear. You should have some victories at home base before you move out into difficult terrain.
So it is good to prepare yourself before you go out and plant. It is good to lead a small group. It is good to have some sermons in the pocket. If you don’t have time or inspiration to prepare to preach before you plant, it is going to be very difficult once you plant. Normally once you plant you need to be drawing deeply from what God has already put into your heart. You may think it will get easier once you plant, but the reality is most planters complain of not having enough time to build the church they desire.

It is good not to put yourself under excessive financial pressure when you plant. If you can tent make that is good. It will introduce you to your new community and it will help you not have to preach for financial results. A church planter recently told me that, “No girl wants a desperate guy. And people steer clear of a desperate pastor”. So true. How can you be the shepherd of the sheep and lead them to still waters when you cannot be at rest yourself because your pressures are too great. Try to be realistic, God does come through, and normally it is “little by little”.
It’s a long journey of faith.

People want to follow a leader who knows God and is led by God. When Joshua took over leadership from Moses God led the nation to a place of testing so that the people could see that God’s favor was with Joshua. “And the LORD said to Joshua, “Today I will exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so that they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses”. Joshua 3:7.
The community needs to know that God is leading you, and that you will empower them. They need to know that God is there for you, and that you are there for them. You need to build up the “beloved community”, the church of God.
Church planting is not there for the good of the shepherd. The shepherd sacrifices for God’s best for the sheep. Quite a challenge. Remember how frustrated Moses got with the Israelites. But also remember he lost his inheritance because of his public display of frustration and lack of faith in God. Don’t let your emotions hijack you. Remember leaders are door-openers. They open doors of maturity, and doors of opportunity. And unfortunately also doors of catastrophe. Just look at the life of Moses or David.

The church planter needs to keep perspective. It is good to be able to talk issues through with someone who understands the process of planting. Someone who will not allow you to wallow in self-pity (this is a great temptation), but also someone who understands just how challenging the process is. It is good to find such a person, with a shepherd’s heart, and also with apostolic wisdom. The pattern of Apostolic teams working with new church plants is seen in the book of Acts. It is wonderful to have apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to help build into the foundations of a new church!

Church planting is not just starting a Sunday meeting. It is building the new congregation into a community. It is leading them and shaping them so that they become one. “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”. Romans 15:5-6.

This is so important to the planting process.
If the planter plants out from a large base church then the planter needs to realize that the new church plant is not just a mini-church version of the larger church he has left.
It has the potential to grow and become large, but right now it is completely different. It needs new strategies and a new identity.

Be careful not to be sidetracked by secondary issues.
Nehemiah was careful not to come down off the wall to deal with secondary issues, “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” Nehemiah 6:3.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Passion for planting Part 3

Tyrone Daniel has led the NCMI Trans-local Team for the last 6 years and recently relocated with his wife Nicole and 3 sons to Denver Colorado. They are currently pioneering Redemption City Church, a church plant based in the City of Westminster CO.

Passion for planting Part 3 - Developing our Kingdom Culture:
Our focus is the kingdom-centered on the King!
Col. 1:13-14 For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 
 Is. 9:6 For to us a child is born, 
to us a son is given, 
and the government shall be on His shoulders. 
And He will be called 
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, 
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

The church is in the kingdom and the kingdom is in the church, BUT the church is not the kingdom! Too often we have a church-oriented view of the kingdom rather than a kingdom-oriented view of the church.
 The kingdom is expressed through different cultures!!
 We need to fashion and form these cultures in the foundation of every church plant!
 Creating a Culture of Team and Teamwork
 Gen. 1:26 let us make man in our image and likeness and let them …
Gen. 2 Adam needed Eve as a the perfection of creation God only declared that one thing was “not good” and that was … “it is not good for man to be alone”
 Moses needed a team as did …
Jesus at different levels (1-3-12-72 etc.)
1 Cor. 3  speaks plainly on division as well as giving us a model for unity and plants, one waters, but ultimately only God can make it grow!
Team is about:
Recognition: Team members need to be recognized by team leader and by each other
Revelation: Live by revelation that this is the team they are to serve on in this season and place 
Acts 17:26
Responsibilities: Shared responsibilities – shared inheritance
Relationships: Must be kept current, strong and pure
 There are 4 bones in every church:
- Wishbone: those wishing someone will do something about the problems
- Jawbone: those who do all the talking but very little else
- Knucklebone: those who knock everything and always want to argue and arm-wrestle
- Backbone: those who carry the load and do all the work!
Benefits of working in team
1) Complete
     - Provides a total ministry
Apostles – Preach Christ
Prophets – Bring the Holy Spirit
Evangelist – Bring in the lost
Pastors - Love the people
Teachers – Bring us the word of God
 2) Collage
Diversity - variety gifts and ministry
Different people relate to different people!!
 3) Catapults productivity
More effective and fruitful
 4) Confirms truth
Individuals speaking the same truth
 5) Creativity
Encourages new ideas
 6) Checks and balances
Keeps us balanced and focused on bigger picture
 7) Consistent
 8) Call gets fulfilled
Job gets done when everyone does what he or she is called too!!
 9) Contains growth
Everything that has life will grow!
Facilitates and administrates the life of God!
 10) Combats burnout
Preserves leaders
The Dream team:
 Phil 2:1-19
 1) Humble
1Pet 5:5... God opposes the proud but give grace to the humble ...
Humility is not....
A) Denying gifts and graces God has given you
B) Lack of direction, Godly desire or ambition
C) Denying God’s work in your life, ministry and church
D) Pursuit of mediocrity
E) Backing away from the truth
Humility is not thinking of yourself less; it is not thinking of yourself at all!
 2) Pray-ers
When we pray, we are affirming that we are dependent on Him
Not settling … but believing for big things that only He can do!
Big prayers for big things – KINGDOM ADVANCING!
 3) United yet diverse
We can and should be diverse in gift and grace but not heart and vision!
More than one vision is DI-vision!
 4) Cooperating and complementing
In step with heaven; in step with each other!
Not marching to our own drumbeat but marching to the drum beat of heaven!
 5) Non-competing
Selfish ambition must be put to death!
 6) Selfless
Serving not served!
 7) Looking out for others before yourself
 8) Wise in decisions and statements you make
Represent each other well!
 9) Available
Flexible for bigger picture always!
 10) Responders not reactors
We respond in faith not react out of some other emotion.
 11) Accountable
Surrendered not forced!
It's a choice!
 12) Faithful and Fruitful!
We must be faithful to be fruitful but we need to be clear fruitfulness is the goal!
 13) Generous with everything!
With our time, talents, and treasures
Generous of heart and spirit
Big-hearted – believing for the best
Ready to practice hospitality
Ready to sow seed
Ready to release our best
There are 2 seas in Palestine - the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee. They both have the same source, but one teems with life while the other is so salty that it produces nothing and cannot sustain life. The difference is, while they both have the same source, only one has an outlet.  The Sea that has the outlet is the one that has life.
We need to understand our need for team. Develop a culture of team and teamwork. Include others and embrace others! If you are faithful with who He has given you I believe He will give you more key and big capacity people! You are only as strong as those around you - make them strong for His Kingdom!